Opening hours
Opening hours thermal baths & sauna
The opening hours of the Albtherme are as follows:
- Monday to Saturday*: 10 am to 10 pm
- Sunday*: 9 am to 8 pm
*These opening hours also apply on public holidays.
Beauty & Day Spa
Opening hours Beauty & DaySpa
The team at our Beauty & DaySpas is there for you as follows:
Monday to Sunday by appointment
Please book your wellness appointment in advance at our Service Centre, Tel. 07243 56570.
Dead Sea salt cave
Opening hours salt cave
Current opening hours & family time
Monday to Sunday at 11.30 am, 1.30 pm, 3.30 pm (family time*) and 5.30 pm.
*Family time daily at 3.30 pm
A visit to the salt cave is a special experience for children. To ensure a carefree visit to the salt cave, there are special visiting times for families.
- Children up to the age of 7 can visit during family time if accompanied by an adult.
- Children aged 8 to 14 can visit the salt cave at regular times if accompanied by an adult. However, we recommend visiting during family time, as mobile phones and reading are prohibited in the adult group.